胡志明精通漢語 為什麼上台第一件事就是廢除中文 | 河內自由行EP22

Описание к видео 胡志明精通漢語 為什麼上台第一件事就是廢除中文 | 河內自由行EP22

胡志明在中國生活了二十幾年 中文非常流利
並不是不喜歡中文 而是拉丁化的越南文更容易普及
先求有再求好 現在幾乎沒有文盲的情況下 再學中文也不遲

文字的目的就是在溝通 如果都不會寫不會看
簡體字繁體字還是殘體字 其實都一樣

Ho Chi Minh has lived in China for more than 20 years and is very fluent in Chinese.
The first thing he did after taking office was to abolish the Chinese language
It’s not that I don’t like Chinese, but that Latinized Vietnamese is easier to popularize
Populism has become popular in recent years
Some little pinks who don’t understand the situation will make videos saying, “Vietnamese people regret giving up Chinese.”
But I think if Ho Chi Minh had not chosen to abandon Chinese and support Latinized Vietnamese
The illiteracy rate in Vietnam will now be very high
Seek what you have first, then what you want. Nowadays, when there are almost no illiterates, it is not too late to learn Chinese.

In addition, I really don’t like that some Taiwanese people say that simplified Chinese characters are “remnant Chinese characters”.
It was Chiang Kai-shek, the founder of the Republic of China, who first proposed the simplified version of Chinese characters.
The purpose of words is to communicate. If you don’t know how to write, you won’t be able to read.
Simplified Chinese characters, traditional Chinese characters or residual Chinese characters, it’s actually all the same
They're just symbols that I can't understand.

#胡志明 #簡體字 #繁體字

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