涉贪被捕人设崩塌 柯文哲总统梦碎 Taipei Former Mayor's Presidential Dreams Shattered | 世界大解说

Описание к видео 涉贪被捕人设崩塌 柯文哲总统梦碎 Taipei Former Mayor's Presidential Dreams Shattered | 世界大解说


“Actually politics is very simple, just don’t be corrupt.”
While this famous quote by Ko Wen-je, chairman of the opposition Taiwan People’s Party, still rings in people’s ears, he is currently detained and held incommunicado at a Taipei detention centre, for allegedly accepting bribes in the Core Pacific City project.
He is also involved in a series of financial scandals, including misfiling NT$20 million in political donations and using election subsidies worth NT$43 million to purchase a personal office.
Being open, transparent, having integrity and rejecting money politics are lines that Ko used to say after he gave up medicine to enter politics. His image has since been tarnished, and even though the judicial system has not yet passed judgement, he has been sentenced to death politically.
Ko, who lost the presidential election earlier this year, had hoped to try again in four years. However, since his involvement in financial scandals, support for him has plummeted eight percentage points to just 18% at the end of August.
Is there still space for the Taiwan People’s Party he founded and the third force he represents to survive in Taiwan? How will the decline of the white power he started, affect the government and the opposition’s power?
In this episode of “The World Explained”, we invite two experts to share their views.

视频内容 Video Chaptering:
00:00 涉贪被捕人设崩塌 柯文哲总统梦碎 Arrested for corruption and image tarnished; Ko Wen-je’s presidential dream shattered

01:00 京华城弊案峰回路转 政治已判死刑 The Core Pacific City case has taken a turn for the worse; sentenced to death politically

04:00 柯文哲支持率猛降8% 民众党前景黯淡 Ko’s approval ratings plummet 8%; Taiwan People’s Party’s prospects bleak

06:35 10年前弃医从政 掀起白色力量风潮 Gave up medicine to join politics a decade ago; started a wave of white power

08:07 蓝绿以外第三势力 生存空间受限 The third force apart from blue and green parties has limited space for survival

10:30 白色力量式微 影响朝野权力消长 The decline of white power affects the government and the opposition’s power

#KoWenje #CorePacificCity #TaiwanPeoplesParty #DPP #KMT #Taipei Mayor
#柯文哲 #京华城 #民众党 #民进党 #国民党 #台湾 #台北市长

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