Wolfenstein 3D (id Software) (1992) Episode 4 - A Dark Secret - Floor 8 [HD]

Описание к видео Wolfenstein 3D (id Software) (1992) Episode 4 - A Dark Secret - Floor 8 [HD]

The 1st-person shooter that started it all. As the Allies hero, B.J. Blazkowicz, you run around 3D mazes and blast away Nazis until you can find your way out of their fortresses, prisons, and secret laboratories. It is a remake of the original top-down game Castle Wolfenstein.

Maybe it was the fact that people got to blow away Nazis. Maybe it was the sheer challenge of it all. For whatever reason, Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny, pioneered the first-person shooter genre and brought its legendary creators, id Software, worldwide notoriety and numerous awards. In fact, The Computer Gaming World Hall of Fame recognized Wolfenstein 3D as helping to shape the overall direction of the computer gaming industry.

The absolute incarnation of evil, Adolf Hitler, lies at your feet in a pool of his own blood. His wrinkled, crimson-splattered visage still strains, a jagged-toothed rictus trying to cry out. Insane even in death. Your lips pinched in bitter victory, you kick his head off his remails and spit on his corpse.

Sieg heil... huh. Sieg hell.


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