macau, ‘she’s in hong kong’, the thunders, from tdm, old macau feature #43, 7 may 2021@papa osmubal

Описание к видео macau, ‘she’s in hong kong’, the thunders, from tdm, old macau feature #43, 7 may 2021@papa osmubal

macau, ‘she’s in hong kong’ by ‘the thunders’, from tdm (teledifusão de macau), thru domingos rosa duque, old macau feature #43, 7 may 2021@papa osmubal

The Thunders, or, Os Trovões, as they were called in the Portuguese, was a 1960s band from Macau, which achieved fame and success not only in Macau, but also in the neighboring British colony of Hong Kong. The band’s most well-known song is the song ‘Macau (Minha Terra)’ [Macau (My Homeland)], which was released in 1970. Another famous song of theirs is ‘She’s in Hong Kong’. The Thunders originated from another earlier band called ‘Colorful Diamonds’. In 1971, the band disbanded. Four of its members, Armando Ritchie, Herculano ‘Alou’ Airosa, Manuel Costa, and Rigoberto ‘Api’ Rosário Jr, emigrated to Brazil. Domingos ‘Lelé’ Rosa Duque remained in Macau. Some time later, Manuel emigrated from Brazil to Canada. About 30 years later, The Thunders played again in Macau, at Macanese Communities Reunion, held in November-December 2004.

Macau SAR:
Macau (澳門; 澳门), also spelled Macao and officially the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, is a city and special administrative region of the People's Republic of China in the western Pearl River Delta by the South China Sea. With a population of about 680,000 and an area of 32.9 km2 (12.7 sq mi), it is the most densely populated region in the world.

Macau is a former colony of the Portuguese Empire, after Ming China leased the territory as a trading post in 1557. Portugal paid an annual rent and administered the territory under Chinese sovereignty until 1887, when it gained perpetual colonial rights in the Sino-Portuguese Treaty of Peking. The colony remained under Portuguese rule until 1999, when it was transferred to China. Macau is a special administrative region of China, which maintains separate governing and economic systems from those of mainland China under the principle of "one country, two systems".

The first known written record of the name "Macau", rendered as "Ya/A Ma Gang" ("亞/阿-媽/馬-港"), is found in a letter dated 20 November 1555. The local inhabitants believed that the sea-goddess Mazu (alternatively called A-Ma) had blessed and protected the harbour and called the waters around A-Ma Temple using her name. When Portuguese explorers first arrived in the area and asked for the place name, the locals thought they were asking about the temple and told them it was "Ma Kok" (媽閣). The earliest Portuguese spelling for this was Amaquão. Multiple variations were used until Amacão / Amacao and Macão / Macao became common during the 17th century. By the 1911 reform of Portuguese orthography, the spelling Macau became the standardised form; however, the use of Macao persisted in English and other European languages.

Macau Peninsula had many names in Chinese, including Jing'ao (井澳/鏡澳), Haojing (濠鏡), and Haojing'ao (濠鏡澳). The islands Taipa, Coloane, and Hengqin were collectively called Shizimen (十字門). These names would later become Aomen (澳門), Oumún in Cantonese and translating as "bay gate" or "port gate", to refer to the whole territory. (from Wikipedia)




澳門為獨立經濟體,是中華人民共和國管辖范围內唯一允許合法經營賭場的地區,博彩業及旅游业為澳门的支柱產業,現時已發展為「世界上第一大賭城」[失效連結]。澳門為世界上人口密度最高的地區,每平方公里人口超過2萬。2017年澳門的人均本地生產總值依國際匯率爲78,586美元,名列世界第二。[參 17]澳門2017年人均本地居民总收入依购买力平价爲102,480美元,名列世界第二。


秦首度划岭南地区入中国版图,澳門屬南海郡番禺縣。420年(晉元熙二年),屬新会郡封樂縣。590年(隋開皇十年),廢新會郡,改屬寶安縣,757年(唐至德二年),廢寶安縣,改属東莞縣。自南宋開始,屬香山縣。據史料記載,宋末名將張世傑軍隊曾在澳門一帶駐紮。早期在澳門定居的人在此形成小村落,倚靠漁業與農業種植為生。當時澳門人以蜑家人和客家人為主。(from Wikipedia)


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