ISGW 2018 | Magnus Andersson,Metrum Sweden | Grid Modernization

Описание к видео ISGW 2018 | Magnus Andersson,Metrum Sweden | Grid Modernization

The 4th edition of India Smart Grid Week ( ISGW) 2018 conference and exhibition was planned from 05-09 March 2018 at Manekshaw Center , New Delhi , India. ISGW 2018 is considered as one of the top five international event on Smart Grids and Smart Cities. 245 Experts from 38 countries converged at the ISGW to discuss emerging transformation of the India’s energy sector. The five-day long event was attended by veterans from across the globe. This year the event included bilateral workshops with European Commission, Sweden ,USA and France. Special workshops on Blockchain for Utilities attracted interest from large number of stakeholder. Full day parallel sessions were conducted on Smart City Gas Distribution and Smart Water Session. For more details about the event and the next edition of the conference and exhibition, please visit


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