Introducing Pakse, Laos—on RodMcNeil.TV

Описание к видео Introducing Pakse, Laos—on RodMcNeil.TV

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In this episode, Rod first crosses the border into Pakse, Laos near the Thailand town of Ubon Ratchathani. Exploring the multicultural influences (French, Chinese and more) of the area, we learn that "Pakse" refers to the mouth of the river.

Discover how two fellow Aussies (Tim and Meredith Shaw) are traversing the nation. Hint: According to Meredith, it is "better than Jenny Craig."

The Lao-Nippon bridge is quite impressive, as you will see, opened as recently in the year 2000 and a gift from the Japanese. A glimpse at a former "private residence", now a hotel, which boasts "1,000 windows" is demonstrative of the luxuries of previous regimes.

Xuanmai Guest House, Rod's home away from, a brand new and on the edge of town, is quite charming, with its own pond, and a lot of bamboo!

See for yourself, on Rod McNeil.TV!


Located : on a curve of the Mekong River
Total area : 3,920 square kilometers
Population : 610,000
09 Districts : Chanthabouly, Sikhottabong, Xaysettha, Sisattanak, Naxaithong, Xaythany, Hadxaifong, Sangthong and Park Ngum
Capital : Vientiane.
According to myth, the city of Vientiane was created by the Naga Souvannanak. Vientiane was an ancient city whose territories covered both banks of the Mekong River. The first name of Vientiane was "Ban Nong Khanthae Phiseuanam" village, which later became "Vientiane" town under the leadership of the first Governor, Bourichan or Phraya Chanthabouly Pasitthisak, between 430-120 B.C.
In 1357 King Fa Ngoum held a grandiose celebration for the great victory of the unification of all Lao territories enhancing his prestige and power over the nobility throughout the Lane Xang Kingdom and the neighboring kingdoms. It was organized in the Pak Pasak area in present day Vientiane.

In 1560, King Saysettha moved from Luang Prabang to declare Vientiane as the capital city of the Lane Xang kingdom, naming it "Nakorn Chanthabouly Sitta tanakhanahood Outtama Rajathany"

During the reign of King Souliyavongsa Thamikarat in the 17th century, Vientiane grew to become one of the most developed civilizations. The city was the center of administration for politics, socio-economics and culture. The kings were brave, clever and kind and people were happy. The palaces were very beautiful, looking like golden houses standing along the bank of the Mekong River.

However, Vientiane was burnt down by Siames troops in 1828, and divided into two cities. The city on the right side of the Mekong River became part of Siam and the city on the left side remained part of Laos. At present, Vientiane is a smaller city, only half of its former size.

In the years of 2009 and 2010; two great historical events take place in Vientiane. In 2009 we hosted the 25th annual SEA Games and in 2010 we held a celebration of the 450th anniversary of the foundation of Vientiane as the Capital (1560-2010). To prepared for the above auspicious events Vientiane people have continued developing the city to be peaceful, clean, green, charming, light and civilized.



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