James Warren — Reclaiming the Oxfordian Past

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This talk highlights some of the many interesting things I’ve come across in the past year in my research on J. Thomas Looney and the first quarter century of the Oxfordian era,
1920–1945—research that included three trips to England for research at the British Library, the Oxfordian Archives at Brunel University, the Katharine E. Eggar Archives at the University of London, the Canon Gerald H. Rendall Archives at the University of Liverpool, and several other institutions. It will also introduce current and forthcoming publications in which more detailed findings will be presented and assessed, including the already-published collection of 53 of Looney’s shorter writings, “Shakespeare” Revealed; the forthcoming Database of Oxfordian Ephemera in Publicly-Held Collections in England that lists more than 3,000 items; a 120-page chronological listing of important events & publications during the first twenty-five years of the Oxfordian era; a collection of more than 150 letters
exchanged between prominent early Oxfordians and more than 80 SF Circulars and Notic-es sent to members of the Shakespeare Fellowship; and two books currently underway,
J. Thomas Looney and “Shakespeare” Identified: The 100th Anniversary of the Book that
is Revolutionizing Shakespeare Studies, and a full-scale biography of J. Thomas Looney.

This talk was presented at the Shakespeare Oxford Fellowship Conference in Hartford, CT on October 18, 2019.

James A. Warren has brought the foundational work of the Oxfordian movement—J. Thomas Looney’s “Shakespeare” Identified—back to life with a new edition as the work approaches its centenary in 2020. He is the editor of a new book, “Shakespeare” Revealed, which revolutionizes our understanding of Looney by bringing to light 43 long-lost articles and pub-lished letters showing just how intense Looney’s involvement in the Oxfordian movement was after the publication of “Shakespeare” Identified; of a new annotated edition of Esther Singleton’s charming novel, Shakespearian Fantasias, and of four editions of An Index to Oxfordian Publications, which he created. He is also the author of the novel of ideas, Sum-mer Storm, in which a professor and his students wrestle with how we know what we know about, among other things, the authorship of “Shakespeare’s” works.

For more on the Shakespeare Authorship Question, visit shakespeareoxfordfellowship.org.


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