DENON PRA-6000 Ultra HighEnd "Class A" PreAmplifier

Описание к видео DENON PRA-6000 Ultra HighEnd "Class A" PreAmplifier

One of the very best vintage preamplifiers ever made!
Ultimate full "Class A" construction, one of the most sofisticated and best sounded MC/MM stage I've heard. Sound of vinyl records is simply breathtaking by any, even highest today's standards.
Timeless design, front and top panel from 1,5cm thick REAL laser cut GLASS , the rest is hand made of 0,5-2cm thick alluminium!
Weight 16kg netto, power consumption 90W are unbelievable measures for pure preamplifier!
Production "Made in Japan", year 1982, not more than 100 pcs sold in Europe, price tag was unbelievable 6000-7000DM in that time, equivalent of some 20.000-30.000Eur nowadays. Let's look for example at current LUXMAN C-1000F model to compare!!!
Just before coming of CD format, in the time of production preparation of this model, the final "digital disc" format or name was still unclear (end of 1981, beginning of 1982). Therefore digital disc input was still called universally "DAD" (Digital Audio Disc) on the front panel of DENON PRA-6000 :)
By the end of 1982 everything was clear, too late to change lettering on the beautifull DENON PRA-6000 fron panel.
For me "DAD" input sound fantastic anyway! :)


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