Unit Tour - Newcastle RVI's Neonatal Unit

Описание к видео Unit Tour - Newcastle RVI's Neonatal Unit

Welcome to Ward 35 - The RVI's Neonatal Unit.

Here you will find a full unit tour with information about each area and interviews from Matron - Angela Warne, Neonatal Nurse - Catherine Laidler, Senior Sister - Karen Matthison, Nursery Nurse - Sarah Williamson and Consultant Neonatologist - Jenna Gillone about what to expect during your time on the unit.

In partnership with vCreate, NuTH, Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Trust.

We are the Tiny Lives Trust, a charity based in Newcastle Upon Tyne. Every year, we support over 800+ families that pass through the Neonatal Unit. We support premature babies, sick newborns and neonatal families through one of the hardest times of their lives. We fund a number of items on the unit including equipment, staff, refreshments, comforters and parent/sibling packs for families. We continue to support families after they have left the unit, funding counselling for parents to help them come to terms with what can be a traumatising and stressful period of their lives. We also fund parent and baby classes exclusively for families who have spent time on Ward 35 that are always very popular.

Find out more about us and what we fund - https://www.tinylives.org.uk

You can donate here - tinylivestrust.enthuse.com


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