Harp& soprano: Ukrainian music 💛💙

Описание к видео Harp& soprano: Ukrainian music 💛💙

Veronika Lemishenko, harp
Katarina Toplek Horvat, soprano

Diana Shpylova (b.1997). Fantasy on Ukrainian folk love song «In the Cherry Garden»; Diana is a harpist and composer from Kyiv, she wrote this fantasy in the first weeks of the war while escaping from the city under constant attacks.
Діана Шпильова. Фантазія на тему української народної пісні «Ой у вишневому саду»

Semen Gulak-Artemovsky (1813-1873). «Shining Moon», Oksana’s romance from the opera «Zaporozhets above Danube» - first Ukrainian opera, written in 1861
Семен Гулак-Артемовський. «Місяцю ясний», романс Оксани з опери «Запорожець за Дунаєм»

Valeriy Antonyuk (b.1979). «Nocturne»
Valeriy lives in Kyiv, this Nocturne was written and premiered in 2023 at the Chamber hall of the National Philharmonic of Ukraine which now is used as a bomb shelter as it is located underground.
Валерій Антонюк. «Ноктюрн»

Evgen Andreev (b. 1984). «Souvenir»
Composer from Kharkiv, among his works there are several harp compositions for harp performed by the young harpists worldwide. Evgen has a musical family - his wife is a violinist and both their children are students of the Kharkiv state musical lyceum. Lately lyceum got back to work but the education goes online because of the high level of danger being very close to the frontline.
Євген Андрєєв. «Сувенір»

Ukrainian folk song. «Lullaby»
Big part of Ukrainian folk music is songs, traditionally Ukrainian language is compared to the nightingale song because of its melodiousness and people’s love of singing.
Українська народна колискова. «Гойда-гойда»

Ukrainian National Anthem
Гімн України


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