[Deluxe] Circles (Hard) - 75,000 Diamond Perfect w/ Handcam + Taps // Beatstar

Описание к видео [Deluxe] Circles (Hard) - 75,000 Diamond Perfect w/ Handcam + Taps // Beatstar

The Deluxe chart for "Circles", released in the first Deluxe update today. This is a pretty successful Deluxe chart for an easy starter song, I'd say. The rail holds go great with the tone shifts Post Malone uses, and this is just the right difficulty without going overboard.

Another step in my journey to making a Diamond Perfect video for every song in the game! If you like these videos please consider subscribing to help support my goal. Song guides and gameplay mechanic videos are coming as well.

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00:00 Intro
00:31 2nd Stage
01:01 3rd Stage
01:35 4th Stage
02:04 Final Stage


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