Lestvytsia - the system of power transfer in Rus’ /True history of Ukraine

Описание к видео Lestvytsia - the system of power transfer in Rus’ /True history of Ukraine

We get to live in a whirlwind of historical events. The Chinese consider it a curse, and the Ukrainians are more than used to it; they had two world wars on their lands, liberation fights and even the world's largest nuclear disaster, the explosion of the Chornobyl nuclear power plant. And during all these tragedies, they never stopped working: farming, smelting metal, writing books. Likewise, during blackouts and air strikes launched by Russians, we continue to make history; not only with our current deeds, but also with investigating the past.
In particular, the history of Rus’; the most mysterious and mythologized period of Ukrainian history. Why did I say it’s the most mysterious? Let’s look, for example, at the well-known Yaroslav the Wise. As you know, he was the Grand Prince of Kyiv. That is, the ruler of all Rus’, because the Grand Prince owned the entire state. Is that right? Seems like it.
But before Yaroslav, his elder brother Svyatopolk was the grand prince for a little while, before he was removed from the throne. Who removed him? Kyivans. Not only that, later Yaroslav's other brother, Mstislav of Chernihiv, tried to take the throne, and the Kyivans removed him, too. And before that, they expelled the Polish king Bolesław the Brave, who captured Kyiv. Well, after the death of Yaroslav, the people of Kyiv ousted his son Izyaslav, putting Polotsk prince Vseslav the Sorcerer in his place. Mind you, Vseslav was a prisoner at that time. Much later Yuri the Long Arm was ousted, too, more than once and not only him.
Did you get anything? Be honest.

Спеціальний проект Братів Капранових за підтримки Українського культурного фонду


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