SpringBoot REST API CRUD Operations using Spring Data JPA | Postman | MySql

Описание к видео SpringBoot REST API CRUD Operations using Spring Data JPA | Postman | MySql

Hello All,

In this video we have created SpringBoot project and created some rest end points to perform CRUD operations.

Git URL for source code : https://github.com/sjprogramming/spri...

Rest end points :

Get All students : localhost:8080/students
Get student based on rollNo : localhost:8080/student/1
Create Student : localhost : localhost:8080/student/add
Update the student details : localhost:8080/student/update/2
Delete student based on id : localhost:8080/student/delete/1

This are the dependecies added in the pom.xml file :

Spring data JPA
Mysql connector
Spring web

How to develop REST CRUD API using Spring Boot?
What is the CRUD operation in spring REST?
What are the CRUD methods in REST API?
How to write simple REST API in Spring Boot?
How do I create a CRUD app in spring boot?
How to create API for CRUD operations?

00:00:00 How to create spring boot project in STS
00:07:41 How to create schema in MySQLWorkbench
00:08:40 Create student Entity
00:15:52 How to connect springboot application to MySQL database
00:23:14 Create Student Controller
00:25:28 How to create Student Repository
00:30:18 Get all students rest end point
00:34:20 Test Get request in postman
00:35:56 what is @PathVariable annotation
00:39:50 PostMapping to create new student
00:46:16 @ResponseStatus annotation
00:47:40 @PutMapping update student details
00:53:35 @DeleteMapping delete student based on id

#sjprogrammingsolutions #springboottutorial #springbootrestapi #studentmanagementsystem #postmanclient #crudoperations #springprojects #javaproject


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