
Описание к видео 「馬來西亞」試吓其他品種嘅榴槤

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Musang King, black thorn, D24 are very well known in the world of durians. However, there are many more different kinds of durian in Malaysia and they are not exported for different reasons. Each kind tastes very different, how many have you tried?

This time, we will taste 3 different ones: kam bao, golden Phoenix and XO... next time you visit Malaysia, you must try these other flavors !

Scores :
金包 kam Bao - Norman 9/10; Coco 8.5/10
XO - Norman 8/10; Coco 7.5/10
金鳳凰 Golden Phoenix- Norman 7/10; Coco 8/10

特別鳴謝: 榴槤鮮生 DurianMan (SS2)
Special Thanks to DurianMan (SS2)



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