GFXLab - "Rejuvenate" (Music Video)

Описание к видео GFXLab - "Rejuvenate" (Music Video)


GFXLab - "Rejuvenate"

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Beat Produced by Diamond Style Productions

Lyrics -

in the past few months I have seen alot of growth
alot of internal struggle, alot of times I would choke
at the thought that my life would just never amount
so I would sit in my shadow, sit back and just lounge

now I kind of understand this life a little better
I am the wind surrounding the motion of the feather
I have alot of thoughts, but I have learned to just listen
shut my eyes in fear, all the lessons I've been missin

alot of things have changed, even time has escaped
I've missed alot of moments, maybe some of them were great
I imagined I was real, then realized I was fake
we're all ghosts in a jar, on a shelf in a bank

the path in life is straight, but it twists and it turns
hot as molten lava but it's cold and it burns
mind is balanced and grounded, like a zen garden
but it's gone chaotic, fearful, even knowledge starving

to be a father, responsibility is crazy
but to see a little me, now that would be amazing
staring at my yearbook, ideas look grey
I was never on top, I was never the same

I was never the man, I could never take a stand
I was always the guy that just stuck to the plan
never changed position, stuck to what I was taught
never took a risk, never blamed when I was caught

can't blame my parents, or the situation
the pace of life, I just need some patience
what I scream out loud, is things will never work out
and rejuvenation, is what I need right now

I can cry out loud, but I am all alone
I could spend everything, but I would go back home
I could go all out, but I would lose my zone
I would hang up on you, but I would lose my phone

I clearly understand that you would want to change
but even if that happens it would be the same
just to be honest and a little more clear
you need to embrace love and forget the fear

you're a man that needs to grow, 26 years old
and you've never really listened to what you've been told
everytime we would say yes, you'd just say no
every opportunity you had you would just let go

you would thin out your words when you needed to be bold
you would even burn your loved ones to escape the cold
you shut your door to the world and you're living in darkness
you've turned down love and you've become so heartless

you've even been to jail, now your record is tarnished
and you still owe money, so your wages are garnished
but there is still hope remaining to rejuvenate time
I have a life contract that you would need to sign

make sure you cross those t's and you dot those i's
I know you are a beast, I can see it in your eyes
you have the heart of cupid, and that incredible mind
so press down hard and sign this right on the line

I've seen alot of deals and I can tell this is shady
but thanks for the compliments, I know I'm amazing
I will remain myself, I'm just going through a phase
I'm just enjoying the night instead of seizing the day

but it's about that time, to watch that morning sunrise
I miss that warm feeling, it's true that time will fly by
and you are definitely right, I am a very nice guy
and I need to experience more before the time that I die

you are digging yourself into a very deep hole
and in that darkness are some demons that you shouldn't know
they will tear you up to shreds and devour up your soul
all you need is some drive and start making those goals

and stop reacting to every little thing people say
just look to the positive and your life will be great
quit worrying about what's real ,don't worry about what's fake
quit doubting yourself just because you made some mistakes

you are entering the world and it's time to be a man
forget what I just said because It's time to be THE man
you've got a long life ahead, but it comes on it's own
you will understand one day, when you've matured and you've grown

I appreciate the people who have listened to this song
and if you haven't been right, don't think that you are wrong
everything will be okay as long as we all stick together
living for a brighter future, even living through the weather

living for the better and changing how we treat ourselves
looking up to our loved ones, reaching out when we need help
cleaning up our mind, get our bodies back in full health
because there is noone in the world who can compare to our true self

‎"Respect yourself, love yourself, because there has never been a person like you and there never will be again." Osho

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