
Описание к видео #MusicConnectsUS

“I hope this can transport you all for a moment to Sophie’s existence, full of hope, joy, laughter and dancing. I can’t think of any music more pure and light than her aria “Du gai soleil”. Sophie's very purpose in 'Werther' is to lift us up out of the gloom and show us how simple things like laughter and sunlight are gifts. As Sophie sings, “the pure clarity of the sun’s rays descends from our faces to our souls.” May we all appreciate the joys we can still cherish right now, and may music comfort and connect us as we take time away from normal life in order to save life.” - Erin Morley.

While we weren't able to perform Werther with the lovely Erin Morley, we're absolutely delighted that she agreed to record her Aria as a part of our #MusicConnectsUS content. We hope that this beautiful performance brings you a little light going into the weekend. It certainly has brightened our day!

#MusicConnectsUs. Music expresses our humanity. It is through our artistry that we hope to express our collective joys and sorrows during this unprecedented crisis. Music reminds us now, more than ever, that we are not alone in this world and to reach out across the globe. Please enjoy as our musicians continue to share art from our homes, sometimes with our families and our pets. Feel free to sing along, dance along, play along!

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instagram: @metorchestra
twitter: @metorchestra


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