JETSON NANO 4GB for AI - #1 Getting Started

Описание к видео JETSON NANO 4GB for AI - #1 Getting Started

JETSON NANO has much powerful GPU than RPI 4 and is used for Artificial Intelligence and image processing Projects

JETPACK OS is 64 bit and is UBUNTU 18.04
For Headless connection within LAN install xrdp

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install xrdp

xrdp has some tripping issues with Jetpack.Here is the solution :
try install a new lightweight desktop

sudo apt-get install xfce4
Setup ~/.xsession for xrdp.

echo xfce4-session ~/.xsession
service xrdp restart

you can login remotely (within LAN) into the xfce4 desktop after the above changes, and xfce4 runs much smoothly on Jetson Nano


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