Remix: Sigma Koopa (Sigma Stage 2 [Mega Man X])(Fortress[Super Mario World]) by Sticky Lizard Music

Описание к видео Remix: Sigma Koopa (Sigma Stage 2 [Mega Man X])(Fortress[Super Mario World]) by Sticky Lizard Music

Remix/Arrangement by Sticky Lizard Music
Mega Man X "Sigma Stage 2" composed by Setsuo Yamamoto. Super Mario World "Fortress" composed by Koji Kondo.

This is my first recording where I've put together tunes from separate games! The Mega Man X OST is one of my overall favorites, and the Fortress theme is one of my favorites from the Super Mario series. Somehow, I decided these two tracks should be together for a minute and that it should also have the flugelhorn. Feel free to leave a comment! Thank you for listening!

#videogamemusic #megamanx #supermarioworld


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