Samhain Traditional Baking

Описание к видео Samhain Traditional Baking

Samhain is almost upon us. Here I am baking a traditional Samhain Barmbreac Loaf and talking about the traditions around it. The recipe for the loaf is below. Samhain is a wonderful, magical time of year, for taking stock, planning for the future and feasting with family and friends at the last harvest.
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Music and editing by Lol Hardiman. If you would like to hear more of his music check him out here    / @lolhardiman5247   and his website here

The recipe for the Barmbreac is as follows:
1lb Plain flour
1lb fruit mix - currants and sultanas
5-6oz sugar depending on preference
2-3oz butter
Spices I used were Mixed Spice, Nutmeg, Cloves and Cinnamon
1 cup of strong tea
a good measure of Whiskey (optional)
1 grated apple
1 tsp Baking Powder
1tsp salt
1 egg - beaten

Grease and line a 2lb loaf tin
Measure out fruit and sugar into a bowl and add the strong tea and whiskey if using. (A glass of ale or Guinness could be used as an alternative.)
Sift flour and spices, baking powder and salt together. Rub in the butter.
Fold in the flour to the fruit and sugar and mix well.
Fold in the egg.
When all mixed, pour into the loaf tin and bake in a moderate oven on a middle shelf. 180 degreesF/375 degrees C or Gas 4-5 for one hour and then check and bake for a further 15 to 30 mins until skewer test shows it is cooked. Enjoy with fresh butter or butter and jam.

May your ancestors bless you and yours this Samhain. Thanks for watching


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