Darya Beachwalker

Описание к видео Darya Beachwalker

Race: Triton
Class: Warlock
Otherworldly patron: The Efreeti

Strength: 15 (+2)
Intelligence: 12 (+1)
Wisdom: 11
Dexterity: 13 (+1)
Constitution: 13 (+1)
Charisma: 17 (+3)

Alignment: lawful good

Background: Outlander
Origin: Tribal Nomad

Features: Wanderer, Guardian of the Depths, Amphibious, Darkvision, Genie's Vessel, Emissary of the Sea, Control Air and Water

Languages: Common, Orc

Size: Medium
Speed: 30

Level: 1
Hit Dice: 1d8
Hit Points: 9

Spells known
Cantrips: Mind Sliver, Mage Hand
Level 1: Fog Cloud, Burning Hands, Comprehend Languages

Spell Slots
Level 1: 1

Spell Save DC: 13
Spell Attack Modifier: 5

Armor: Light armor
Weapons: Simple weapons
Tools: Horn
Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma
Skills: Athletics, Survival, Investigation, History

Armor: Leather
Weapons: Handaxe, Dagger (2), Shortbow
Gear: staff, hunting trap, animal trophy, traveler's clothes, arcane focus, scholar's pack
Gold: 10


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