INSIDE The Largest Ro Ro Ships Ever Built: The Biggest Car Carrier Transport Millions of Cars

Описание к видео INSIDE The Largest Ro Ro Ships Ever Built: The Biggest Car Carrier Transport Millions of Cars

Delve deep into the engineering marvels of the largest Roll-On/Roll-Off (Ro-Ro) ships ever constructed. These giants are tailored to transport wheeled cargo like cars, trucks, and sometimes even trains. From the historical foundations in Britain during the industrial revolution to the modern green tech vessels that dot our oceans today, the evolution of Ro-Ro ships is a tale worth knowing.

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0:00 Introduction
4:41 MV Celine
6:08 Century Highway Green
8:04 ARC Endurance
9:52 Eco Livorno
11:24 Wallenius Wilhelmsen's MK IV
12:41 Ephesus Seaways
14:00 Felicity Ace
15:11 Morning Crown
16:19 Glovis Stella
21:23 Siem Confucius


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