[FGO NA] Lostbelt 6 - Albion - Nero Bride/Nero/Nero Caster 3T setup

Описание к видео [FGO NA] Lostbelt 6 - Albion - Nero Bride/Nero/Nero Caster 3T setup

The reason I used evade in the first fight is because gamepress's infos didn't mention the pierce inv buff, I also forgot to use Tamamo's first skill but it wasn't needed in the end

Nero Bride (FLO) 0:00
Nero (FLO) 3:17
Nero Caster 5:39

   • 【FGO】Albion Battle Theme BGM (Extende...  

#fgo #fgona #fategrandorder #lostbelt6


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