Seerat E Hazrat Usman E Ghani - Allama Maulana Sayyad Shah Turab Ul HaQ Qadri

Описание к видео Seerat E Hazrat Usman E Ghani - Allama Maulana Sayyad Shah Turab Ul HaQ Qadri

Hadrath Uthman ibn Affan {radiy'Allaahu ta'aalaa anhu} was one of the companions of The Holy Prophet {sall'Allaahu ta'aalaa alaihi wa'sallam}. He played a major role in early Islaamic history as the third Caliph at the age 65 following Hadrath Omar ibn al-Khattab {radiy'Allaahu ta'aalaa anhu}.
Hadrath Uthman {radiy'Allaahu ta'aalaa anhu} was born in Ta'if which is situated on a hill, into the Umayyad Clan of Makkah, a powerful family of the Quraish tribe of Makkah, seven years after The Holy Prophet {sall'Allaahu ta'aalaa alaihi wa'sallam}. Under his leadership, the empire expanded into Fars in 650 {present-day Iran}, some areas of Khorasan {present-day Afghanistan} in 651 and the conquest of Armenia was begun in the 640s. Some of Hadrath Uthman's {radiy'Allaahu ta'aalaa anhu} notable achievements were the economic reforms he introduced, and the compilation of the Qur'aan into the unified, authoritative text that is known today.
His father, Affan, died young while travelling abroad but left a large inheritance. Hadrath Uthman {radiy'Allaahu ta'aalaa anhu} followed the same profession as his father, and his business flourished, making him one of the richest men among the Qurayshi tribe.

He is perhaps best known for forming the committee which produced multiple copies of the text of the Qur'aan as it exists today. The reason was that various Muslim centres, like Kufa and Damascus, had begun to develop their own traditions for reciting the Qur'aan and writing it down with stylistic differences.
The body was carried to Jannat al-Baqi, the Muslim graveyard.


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