We work to live. Many people long for a work-life balance, but do not dare to leave their comfort zone.

"WAKE UP - CHILD!" And that is precisely the message of this film. Awaken the inner child in you, strive for adventures and experience the world! Because, the money is coming back - not the time!

We are happy to have completed this project within 2 weeks in April 2018. A topic that particularly concerns us as a film crew.

We hope to affect you with the message of this video.
Spread this video with your world and never regret a thing.

Your BackpackBros


Unser Auslandskonto, um überall auf der Welt kostenlos Geld abzuheben:

30 Euro AirBnB-Gutschein:

Du möchtest dein Work & Travel selber organisieren? Mit unserer Step-by-Step Anleitung wirst du das ganz easy schaffen:

Falls ihr einfach nur unsere Reisen unterstützen wollt:
  / backpackbros  


Unsere Film- & Reiseausrüstung:

► Chris Kamera: https://amzn.to/2DV5S8I

► Lukas Kamera: http://amzn.to/2oZfqWf

► Janniks Kamera: https://amzn.to/2Lz56nY

► Unser Gimbal: https://amzn.to/2DXQNTT

► Unser Kameramicro: http://amzn.to/2b91Qdk

► Unsere Drohne: https://amzn.to/2H8EQLJ

► Unsere GoPro: http://amzn.to/2B80OJY

► Power Bank um Handys und Kameras aufzuladen:

► Reisehandtücher: http://amzn.to/1O6mvte

► Janniks Backpack: https://amzn.to/2DZQNm9

► Lukas Backpack: https://amzn.to/2twHRPV

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Follow us on:

► Facebook:   / thebackpackbros  

► Instagram:   / backpackbros  

You know, child… I don’t regret a single experience in my life.
But I do regret all the ideas i never made a reality, and the opportunities I turned my back to.

The world has so much more to offer than your everyday job, routine or coming home to the same old flat.
Don’t make the same mistakes I did…
WAKE UP, CHILD, and make your life unforgettable!

So I did! I stepped out of my comfort zone and made adventure my new reality.
I want to experience the unknown, something new, something remarkable, I thought.
I want to just do it

Time spent and lessons learnt, I’ll continue to surround myself with the right people for me.
Its human nature wanting to explore.
I want to climb mountains and free myself from all the weight I carry.
Because each glimpse at freedom is worth so much more than any penny in my pocket

I want to create unforgettable moments, experienced with the people that mean the most to me.
Moments that turn into memories, and never forgotten.
I love to create things like this, this or that.
I want to be creative in my kind of way.

There will always be hard times,... and then there will be times like this.

I want to be able to say: I danced under the nordic lights…
and experienced the unbelievable places the world has to offer.

I want to hold untouched nature in my hands
I want to ride on wild horses
Just lose myself
Feel the adventure
Discover myself in a new way

I want to feel what it is to be free
Grandpa, you’re going to be proud of me.

Money Returns - Time Doesn't


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