Northrop Frye, Archetypal Criticism

Описание к видео Northrop Frye, Archetypal Criticism

Canadian literary critic Northrop Frye offers the only alternative to the New Critics' pattern of the 'close reading' of a text in the twentieth century that does not either deny a common humanity or mount a war on the word. Frye's 1953 masterpiece Anatomy of Criticism actually suggests four legitimate means of reading literature, but it is the archetypal criticism for which he is most famous.

Following Carl Jung, Frye offers a mode of reading that understands human experience in universal terms, seeing primal, general, and universal themes in the great works of literature, and the 'great code' of art in the Bible. Dr. Jordan Peterson has to some degree repopularised Frye's approach with his psychological readings of literature and the idea of a 'collective unconscious' common to all humanity.

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