Introduction to Plasticity | How CAD benefits artists

Описание к видео Introduction to Plasticity | How CAD benefits artists

The beginning of the official Plasticity Tutorial Series.

From the author, Alexei Kolb: I've done a plasticity tutorial before; it was my first one, and it wasn't good. A lot of time has passed, and many other much nicer tutorials have emerged, but I can't stop feeling like they don't quite get why so many artists started to use Plasticity. Under the videos I did for Instagram, people ask how I turned on the live boolean mode, not realizing there is no live boolean mode; the whole thing is like that all the time. With the right approach, you can edit anything anytime in almost any way you want; it is much more dynamic and faster than any dynamic modeling tool. It has been a saving grace for me and for so many artists.
Now it's your time; I don't want you to treat it like a 3d modeling tool to do fillets on booleans or as a cheap cad with no history and constraints.
While this tutorial is beginner-friendly, the main goal of it wasn't to provide you with ALL the information or with ALL the ways you can approach certain tasks; it had only one main goal, to make you feel the power you will never want to lose.

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