Verbal Self Defense / Setting boundaries

Описание к видео Verbal Self Defense / Setting boundaries

In this video we talk about the undercover predator.
The 3 phases of an undercover predator are:
1) Intrusion
2) Desensitization
3) Isolation
Next we use the "Name it, Tame it, Change it" drill in order to set clear boundaries. Honestly over the years of teaching self defense I have found that teaching the physical components is easier for people to learn than the emotional ones. However they have a tendency to support each other. As you learn how to deal with things on a physical level it tends to strengthen your emotional capacities.
Next we do the "line in the sand drill". This is nothing more than writing an algorithm. If someone crosses this line, then I will take this action. All these decisions need to be made ahead of time, because in the heat of the moment you most likely wont have the time to think about what you should do. Phase two is setting a penalty if that line is crossed.
"If you state the penalty but can't bring yourself to apply the penalty....the person now knows you to be an empty threat. All your boundaries disappear". -Rory Miller


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