【ASD Early Intervention】Mia-Day4-5【自閉症訓練】Mia-第4-5天進度

Описание к видео 【ASD Early Intervention】Mia-Day4-5【自閉症訓練】Mia-第4-5天進度

【APM Educational Project - ASD Case Sharing】
We are very excited to share with you the progress she has made in Day 4 and Day 5.
Huge progress in her #imitation skills, where she can copy some of the actions and sounds without exhibiting any behavior problems! She now can also follow some simple #instructions, which she couldn't able to do so before the training!

▶️Watch Mia's 5-day intensive program in AP:

Learn more about what AP do:
Website: http://www.autismpartnership.com.hk
Facebook:   / apautism  
Instagram: autism_partnership_hk
Tel: (852) 2526 3812
Email: [email protected]

【APM教育推廣項目 - 自閉症個案分享】


網站: http://www.autismpartnership.com.hk/zh/
Facebook:   / apautism  
Instagram: autism_partnership_hk
電話: (852) 2526 3812
電郵: [email protected]

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