G-PST/ESIG Webinar Series: Weak Grid Connection of IBR, Why Are We Still Talking About This?

Описание к видео G-PST/ESIG Webinar Series: Weak Grid Connection of IBR, Why Are We Still Talking About This?

Featured Speaker: Sebastian Achilles, Managing Director Power Systems Operation and Planning, GE Energy Consulting

Webinar Abstract: Operation of Inverter Based Resources (IBR) in weak grid conditions is a relatively old subject that does not seem to go away. The webinar will begin with a short introduction on the types of performance issues associated with weak grid and related mitigations used in the industry. We will then elaborate on how the weak grid operation challenges have changed in recent years due to the large deployment of IBR, and aspects of grid code requirements that affect the risk of weak grid related issues in the lifetime of IBR plants. The speaker will also share observations on study, modeling and short circuit ratio (SCR) screening aspects based on recent experiences, with a focus on what seems to be changing from prior practices. The discussion will elaborate on grid following (GFL) and grid forming (GFM) IBR resources in the context of weak grids, and why GFM may help, but not necessarily solve, all weak grid risks. The talk will be presented from an OEM perspective.


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