Webinar: Rethinking Payer Data: The Need for Computable Clinical Data

Описание к видео Webinar: Rethinking Payer Data: The Need for Computable Clinical Data

With large volumes of clinical data supporting a range of workflows including prior auth, quality reporting, risk adjustment, and care management, there’s an increased need for payers to move to clinical data acquisition workflows that are scalable, organized, timely, efficient and standards-based.

In this evolving landscape, our speakers, Alison Aluli-Imberman, Vice President of Operations at Health First Health Plans, Don Rucker, Chief Strategy Officer at 1upHealth, will be guided by the expertise of panel moderator Miriam Paramore, a Health Information Technology Expert. They will discuss the challenges and the best path forward towards clinical data acquisition that's not only efficient but also standards-driven, bringing a new level of scalability to the payer market.


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