organized National Webinar on ‘Techniques in Genomics and Proteomics’

Описание к видео organized National Webinar on ‘Techniques in Genomics and Proteomics’

Greetings of the day!!
Let's learn new techniques of Molecular Biology during the lock down period! Department of Botany--- and IQAC, Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s
Rajarshi Chhatrapati Shahu College, Kolhapur
has organized National Webinar on ‘Techniques in Genomics and Proteomics’-
Resource Persons:
1.Dr. Sagar Barage, Asso. Professor, Amity Institute of Bioechnology, Mumbai
2.Dr. Nilesh Wagh, Asst Professor, Amity Institute of Bioechnology, Mumbai
Date:11 July 2020
Time :2:00 pm.
Stay home! Stay Safe! Stay digital!
-Warm Regards!
Dr. S.T. Salunkhe (Principal)
Prof. Dr. R.S. Dubal (Vice Principal and Head, Dept. of Zoology)
Dr. S.M. Sathe (IQAC Co-ordinator and Head, Dept. of English)
Dr.V.V.Killedar(Head Dept. of Physics)
Dr.S.V.Patil (Head Dept.of Chemistry)
Mr. P.S.Chougule (Head Dept. of Statistics)
Mr.P.T.Bathe(Head Dept.of Mathematics)
Mr. B. D Dakhane
Mr. S.M. Gojare (Head, Dept. of Botany and Convenor)
Mr. S.M. Gaikwad (Head Dept.of Computer science)
Miss Malvekar D.A.(Assistant Professor
Dept. of Zoology)
Dr. R.B. Chavan (Co-ordinator )
Dr. S.P. Rode (Orgainzer).


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