Why John joined the Lebanese forces at a young age | لماذا إنضم جون إلى القوات اللبنانية من صغره

Описание к видео Why John joined the Lebanese forces at a young age | لماذا إنضم جون إلى القوات اللبنانية من صغره

Watch the full episode:    • JOHN ACHKAR: Ex-Ouwwet, Ex-Husband…Ex...  

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Sarde (noun), [Sa-r-de]: A colloquial term used in the Middle East to describe the act of letting go & kicking off a stream of consciousness and a rambling narrative.
The Sarde After Dinner Podcast is a free space based out of the heart of Beirut, Lebanon, where Médéa Azouri & Mouin Jaber discuss a wide range of topics (usually) held behind closed doors in an open and simple way with guests from all walks of life.

Digital Distribution: concast.me

#sardeclips #sardeafterdinner #سردة #JohnAchkar #جون_أشقر


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