Salon Marketing Mastery - New Client Retention

Описание к видео Salon Marketing Mastery - New Client Retention

This workshop is all about reliably and consistently retaining more new clients and converting them into regulars, and even ambassadors for your salon!

Workbook URL https://26533891.fs1.hubspotuserconte...

For the purposes of this content I define a new client as someone who has visited less than three times. I say this because when a client visits you three times their retention stats increase exponentially, often by as much as 10X.
So this is a strategy to get the highest volume of your new clients to visit 3.

New clients probably account for a small proportion of your sales, if your business is anything approaching average probably about 10%.
Sales from existing clients will dwarf that so you might feel they are the higher priority, but without NEW CLIENTS there is NO GROWTH, which is why understanding clearly how many you have, as well as what your total client count is increasing by, is like having a crystal ball into your future.

Every salon has clients that move on. So for your client count to increase you need to have more clients joining you (and staying), than leaving you.

For this reason your Client headcount is one of the two most important metrics, yet more often than not it goes untracked. I suppose in some ways it just seems too basic or simple. But you cannot do more clients and take less money.


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