Tucuruí to Marituba: Powering Belém by connecting to Brazil's Massive Hydroelectric Plant (Full)

Описание к видео Tucuruí to Marituba: Powering Belém by connecting to Brazil's Massive Hydroelectric Plant (Full)

From Tucuruí to Marituba: The transmission line that connected one of the largest hydroelectric plants in Brazil to the metropolis of Belém

Get to know Sterlite Power's most challenging venture in Brazil!
Delivered in July 2023, Marituba Transmission Power has 344 km of 500 KV line that connects one of the largest hydroelectric plants in Brazil to the metropolis of Belém, in Pará.
The project overcame relevant challenges, such as crossing rivers up to 2 km apart from their banks, building foundations up to 100 meters deep, and erecting towers over 150 meters high.
In addition to contributing to the region's energy supply, Marituba had a direct impact on social and economic aspects, having generated more than 2,000 jobs.
It also stood out for its respect for environmental regulations and for achieving high levels of health, safety, and quality throughout its construction.

#SterlitePower #electricity #Brazil #energyproject


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