Is Historical Wargaming Dying Out?

Описание к видео Is Historical Wargaming Dying Out?

Is historical wargaming declining in popularity? Since the 1980s players have forecasted the "graying" of the hobby and its inevitable demise. In this video, we interview industry thought leaders around the world--manufacturers, shop owners, podcasters, publishers, and more. We'll ask them about the current state of historical miniature wargaming, and more importantly, where it's trending in the future. You'll hear about the challenges and barriers to entry...but also the optimism about how we can spread our passion for this incredible hobby.

And coming next week, we bring you "Part 2" of this series, where we'll explore 5 of the biggest, most creative ideas we heard for how to grow the audience for historical wargames. Stick around, and if you've haven't hit the SUBSCRIBE button yet, what are you waiting for? Join us!


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