Best Fraud Barrister | TEL: 0207 440 8888 | Howard Godfrey QC Lawyer [Interview]

Описание к видео Best Fraud Barrister | TEL: 0207 440 8888 | Howard Godfrey QC Lawyer [Interview]

TEL: 0207 440 8888 | HOWARD GODFREY QC |

As one of the very best fraud barristers in the UK, Howard Godfrey QC has an extraordinary range and depth of experience in this area, both nationally and internationally.

There are many types of fraud case, many of which are tax frauds where the defendants are Directors or employees of companies.

Howard's experience spans the entire range of fraud, and includes both tax frauds and other frauds:

Tax Frauds
- Cheating the Revenue
- VAT frauds, including carousel and missing trader fraud (MTIC)
- Stamp Duty evasion fraud
- Construction industry scheme fraud (CIS)
- Tax saving scheme frauds

Other frauds
1. Conspiracies to defraud
2. False accounting
3. Insider dealing
4. Insolvency/liquidation frauds
5. Trading whilst insolvent
6. Boiler room (worthless shares) frauds
7. Mortgage frauds
8. Building and maintenance contract frauds
9. Forgery

Over the years HMRC has become a very efficient and enthusiastic prosecution force. Many tax avoidance schemes that would have only ever been challenged in the civil courts are now regarded as criminal tax evasion and prosecuted as such.

Honest business people and professional advisors can, without realising, become involved in such schemes. So too can honest traders become implicated in massive VAT frauds, devised and controlled by people they've never even met.

Other types of fraud case are prosecuted by specialist departments such as the Serious Fraud Office and the Crown Prosecution Service. As with tax fraud the defence has to be prepared with great care. The job of the defence QC is to "see the wood for the trees" and identify the critically important elements for the client.

Very often in fraud cases many of the facts are not denied. What is in dispute in these cases is the client's knowledge of the fraud and his state of mind at the material time. These cases all require the prosecution to prove that the defendant acted dishonestly and it is this issue that is most often crucial to the defence case.

Early advice as to the best tactics when there is an investigation underway is critical, and Howard Godfrey's advice is often sought at this stage, long before any final decision to prosecute is taken.
Best Fraud Barrister
Howard Godfrey QC | Tel: 0207 440 8888


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