Iceland - May 2021 [Driving] - Northern Iceland

Описание к видео Iceland - May 2021 [Driving] - Northern Iceland

Travel with Bethany and Joe around a portion of northern Iceland. Follow along to see the sights in between the sites!

heading out of Akureyri, skip the toll-way tunnel - turn at road 85 to Húsavík - drive back on 87 to Reykjahlíð and the Mývatn Nature Baths - and drive into the sun on the Ring Road to Goðafoss, before returning to Akureyri.

The recording is at 5x speed to shorten the trip, but still allow you to see the details of the surroundings.

0:00 83 - Grenivíkurvegur
1:15 84 - Víkurskarðsvegur
3:13 1 - Þjóðvegur [Ring Road]
5:17 85 - Norðausturvegur
11:26 Húsavík
13:59 87 - Kísilvegur
20:12 Return to 1 - Þjóðvegur [Ring Road]
20:38 Reykjahlíð
21:33 Mývatn Nature Baths
23:14 Returning west on road 1- Þjóðvegur [Ring Road]
28:18 Laugar
30:36 Goðafoss
33:26 returning west on 84 - Víkurskarðsvegur
35:26 returning on 83 - Grenivíkurvegur

Drifting at 432 Hz by Unicorn Heads


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