The Chosen Season 5 & Scripture: The Triumphal Entry and Palm Sunday

Описание к видео The Chosen Season 5 & Scripture: The Triumphal Entry and Palm Sunday

After the The Chosen Season 5 teaser trailer dropped, did you find yourself wanting to freshen up on your knowledge of Holy Week? Join Kevin and Victor as they discuss the biblical stories and passages that inspired The Chosen Season 5 and consider some of the challenges of adapting the Gospels to the screen.

In today's episode, Kevin and Victor begin with the beginning of Holy Week, Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. This story shows up in all four of the Gospel accounts, but with interesting differences. Which version of the story will The Chosen follow? How will this scene pay off some of the characters set up in past seasons? And what exactly is the point of this story? We'll cover these questions and more!

Resources from The Bible Artist

Victor's Novel


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