Innovations in Ag: Treating a potentially lethal condition – Invasive Native Scrub

Описание к видео Innovations in Ag: Treating a potentially lethal condition – Invasive Native Scrub

INS (Invasive Native Scrub) is a significant issue impacting large areas of central and western NSW, posing a formidable threat to the health and wellbeing of the landscape and agricultural productivity.

Andrew Mosely, his wife Megan and their daughters Jessica and Emily live on their family business, Etiwanda Station, 90 kilometres south of Cobar. Andrew first identified INS as a major issue when he took over the 20,000ha from his parents 25 years ago. Overgrowth of Turpentine Bush (Eremophila sturtii), False Sandalwood (Eremophila Mitchellii), Narrowleaf Hopbush (Dodonaea viscosa) and White Cypress Pine (Callitris glaucophylla) had rendered areas of the farm unproductive and unprofitable.

However, since introducing a management program, with the support of his local Landcare group, 15 years ago Andrew has reversed the situation, doubled his carrying capacity and has a landscape in much better shape.

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