How to manage burning sensation of feet due to Diabetes? - Dr. Mahesh DM

Описание к видео How to manage burning sensation of feet due to Diabetes? - Dr. Mahesh DM

High sugars definitely contributes to burning sensation in the feet, it is also associated with many other symptoms as damaging the eyes, the kidneys and many other parts of the body. But burning feet is one of the symptoms of diabetes and it causes lot of distress in patients. How can we treat this burning feet? The burning feet can be because of vitamin deficiency and alcohol intake, so we need to first rule out the causes especially Vitamins B12 deficiency and alcohol consumption. If these two are taken care of, then the chances of burning worsening is very worse. This is to control the diabetes. So we need to ensure to control the sugars especially take medicines and check the sugars appropriately. If required, take insulin so that the sugars are appropriately controlled and they are in the normal levels. We can also use medicines. Your doctor will prescribe you medicines. We use medicines like pregabalin, gabapentin, amitryptyline and duloxetine. These are the 4 commonly used drugs rarely we use other medicines when the pain is very severe for a short period of time. Second is we have to ensure that the blood circulation is good in the feet. Regular walking, everyday for half an hour and regular exercises will ensure that the blood circulation is good. Once the blood circulation is good, the pain reduces and the burning sensation comes down. So control the sugars, correct the vitamin deficiencies, avoid alcohol and ensure that your sugars are under control you take medicines that are appropriate for the burning sensation in the feet and with these 4 methods, the burning sensation in the feet can be tackled, rarely we use something called as electrical nerve stimulation which is done in patients where the medicines do not work.


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