Can You Practice Buddhism by Studying It? A New Paper By Analayo

Описание к видео Can You Practice Buddhism by Studying It? A New Paper By Analayo

Is there an important difference between study and practice in early Buddhism? We'll look to one recent article by Bhikkhu Anālayo for help in answering this question. He investigates one apparent mistake in oral transmission of a sentence in one early sutta that may have made a difference in how some interpret theoretical versus practical engagement with the dharma.

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✅ Videos mentioned:
The Five Precepts of Buddhism: Historical Roots in Early Teachings --    • The Five Precepts of Buddhism: Histor...  
Was the Buddha a philosopher? --    • Was the Buddha a Philosopher?  
Buddhism and Stoicism 1: Five Similarities --    • Buddhism and Stoicism 1: Five Similar...  

✅ Suttas mentioned: (Sujato translates the terms differently, as “thought, learning, and meditation”).

✅ Articles mentioned:
David Fiordalis, “Learning, Reasoning, Cultivating: The Practice of Wisdom and the Treasury of Abhidharma” --

Bhikkhu Anālayo, “Hearing, Reflection, and Cultivation: Relating the Three Types of Wisdom to Mindfulness”, in Religions, June 2021 --

Doug Smith and Justin Whitaker, “Reading the Buddha as a Philosopher” --

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00:00 Intro
02:10 How we might think about theory vs. practice nowadays
03:17 Is meditation the only Buddhist practice?
04:25 Is theorizing a kind of practice?
05:01 Anālayo’s paper
05:48 The Saṅgīti Sutta in the Pāli tradition
07:36 Buddhaghosa’s interpretation
10:27 The “three wisdoms” in other recensions
11:33 The reversal of two terms makes a difference
13:10 Pierre Hadot’s ideas of “spiritual exercises” in ancient Greece
15:22 Buddhist mindfulness meditation as encompassing “spiritual exercises”
20:01 Enlightenment sometimes comes through contemplation

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