Radiation exposure and Medical effects of radiation | Nuclear Physics12 | class12 KPK board physics

Описание к видео Radiation exposure and Medical effects of radiation | Nuclear Physics12 | class12 KPK board physics

welcome to candle academy Pakistan. In this lecture we have explained radiation exposure and medical effects of radiations.There are two types of exposures, external exposure and internal exposure, radiations directly hitting with the body is called external exposure and results in the skin diseases where as internal exposure means to inhale the radioactive elements in the form of food etc. After completing the lecture students will be able to explain the following.
what is cosmic radiation.
define background radiations.
what is somatic effect of radiations.
genetic effect of radiations.

#radiation #radiationexposure #cosmic
#class12physics #federalboard #nuclear #physicswallah #etoosindia #education #candleacademypakistan


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