NMR Made Easy! Part 1 - Electronegativity and Shielding - Organic Chemistry

Описание к видео NMR Made Easy! Part 1 - Electronegativity and Shielding - Organic Chemistry

This series of videos is to help you guys out with understanding what I personally feel like was the hardest part of Organic Chemistry- NMRs!!!! Arggh haha. This first video of my NMR series covers Electronegativity, Shielding, and Deshielding. It is mean't to quickly introduce them in a simple way and help you remember the basics before we tackle an actual NMR.

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●Private Tutoring Information:
I offer in-person private tutoring in Boston and NYC, and if you live elsewhere on this awesome planet I offer online Skype tutoring that is accompanied with a whiteboard program. For more info check here: http://orgomadeeasy.org/private-tutor... and contact me via my "Orgo Made Easy" Facebook page or email: [email protected]

●NMR 1/6 Electronegativity and Shielding(NMRs)    • NMR Made Easy! Part 1 - Electronegati...  
●NMR 2/6 Equivalent Hydrogens-    • NMR Made Easy! Part 2A - Equivalent H...  
●NMR 2.5/6 Equivalent Hs Part II    • NMR Made Easy! Part 2B - Tricky Equiv...  
●NMR 3/6 What NMRs Tell Us-    • NMR Made Easy! Part 3 - What NMRs Tel...  
●NMR 4/6 Molecules to NMR-    • NMR Made Easy! Part 4 - Molecules to ...  
●NMR 5/6 Complex Splitting-    • NMR Made Easy! Part 5 - Finding Compl...  
●NMR 6A/6 NMR to Molecules-    • NMR Made Easy! Part 6A - NMR to Molec...  
●NMR 6B/6 NMR to Molecules-    • NMR Made Easy! Part 6B - NMR to Molec...  

Make sure you share this with your friends if you found it helpful, and I would love it if you leave some comments to let me know if I'm on the right track ;).

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