Goldfish: Want to learn from a professional breeder how to select for Telescope Butterfly? 锦绣家的鱼

Описание к видео Goldfish: Want to learn from a professional breeder how to select for Telescope Butterfly? 锦绣家的鱼

The weather has been cold for Georgia at the beginning of March which has slowed fry growth. Twenty some days after hatching, young fry are reaching the size for culling. They are around 1.5 cm or 0.5 inches. I am used to the first culling at this size because I can see them more clearly. The culling rate seems to be very high with many fry having deformed body and tail. With each spawn, even the same pair of parents, could produce progenies in vastly different qualities. Unbelievable, however it is what makes goldfish breeding both intriguing and alluring. Want to know more about goldfish breeding? Please follow me, I am Bo Zhao with Zhao’s Fancies, a professional goldfish breeder producing premium grade fancies.



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