Bredok a380 XBOX & PC Review - The addon you will hate to like? MSFS2020

Описание к видео Bredok a380 XBOX & PC Review - The addon you will hate to like? MSFS2020

👨‍✈️Welcome aboard!

Welcome to this review of the a380-800 by Bredok3D for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. If you want to save some time and you're curious enough to come read the description here's my shortest opinion on the add-on :

an a380 in MSFS
the cockpit is not the worst we have seen
it flies okish
the PRICE!!!!!!!!

OVERALL : Mediocre, but it's the only a380 on Xbox before a long time.

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00:00 - 08:28 : English video
08:28 - 16:02 : French video


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