Is Crosby gay or european? (Columbian) // Daybreak 2 // Roblox

Описание к видео Is Crosby gay or european? (Columbian) // Daybreak 2 // Roblox

The killers try and figure out if crosby is gay or columbian.

all photos used are taken from google and not drawn by me

Song = Gay or european (There, Right There!) -Legally blonde

Characters used =
The Slasher
The Idol
The Host
The Polluted
The Werewolf
The Stalker
The Unforgotten
The Surgeon
The Showstopper
The Empress
(There's so many istg-)
The Janitor
The Ghost
The Apostate
The Principle
The Voidsculk
The Watcher
The Android (Cyborg)
The Warden

Inspired by : Is Dan Hung gay or european? -Fin the Partridge

Characters that were mentioned here are from a Roblox game called

Daybreak 2
Go check the game out, It's really fun!

Apps used =
Alight Motion
Ibispaint (For removing the background of the PNG's)

Thanks for watching! this was fun but tiring to make.


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