Chinese circadian rhythm - SECRET Body Clock Revealed

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#AncientLifeHacks #JaredMadsen

Dive into the mystical world of the body's secret clock. The ancient Chinese believed that our lives are intricately tied to a unique circadian rhythm system (shi chen 时辰), influencing our health and well-being in profound ways. Unearth the wisdom of this age-old tradition, as we guide you through this fascinating journey that promises to unlock the "Secret Clock" governing your life.

Chinese circadian rhythm:

1. *Yín Shí (寅时) - 3:00 AM to 5:00 AM*
0:53 - Associated Organ: Lung (肺, Fèi)

2. *Mǎo Shí (卯时) - 5:00 AM to 7:00 AM*
1:37 - Associated Organ: Large Intestine (大肠, Dàcháng)

3. *Chén Shí (辰时) - 7:00 AM to 9:00 AM*
2:07 - Associated Organ: Stomach (胃, Wèi)

4. *Sì Shí (巳时) - 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM*
3:07 - Associated Organ: Spleen/Pancreas (脾, Pí)

5. *Wǔ Shí (午时) - 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM*
3:31 - Associated Organ: Heart (心, Xīn)

6. *Wèi Shí (未时) - 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM*
3:50 - Associated Organ: Small Intestine (小肠, Xiǎocháng)

7. *Shén Shí (申时) - 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM*
4:02 - Associated Organ: Bladder (膀胱, Pángguāng)

8. *Yǒu Shí (酉时) - 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM*
4:33 - Associated Organ: Kidney (肾, Shèn)

9. *Xū Shí (戌时) - 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM*
5:00 - Associated Organ: Pericardium (心包, Xīnbāo)

10. *Hǎi Shí (亥时) - 9:00 PM to 11:00 PM*
5:36 - Associated Organ: Triple Burner or Triple Heater (三焦, Sānjiāo)

11. *Zǐ Shí (子时) - 11:00 PM to 1:00 AM*
6:25 - Associated Organ: Gallbladder (胆, Dǎn)

12. *Chǒu Shí (丑时) - 1:00 AM to 3:00 AM*
6:54 - Associated Organ: Liver (肝, Gān)

0:22 - Intro
0:53 - Lung
1:37 - Large Intestine
2:07 - Stomach
3:07 - Spleen/Pancreas
3:31 - Heart
3:50 - Small Intestine
4:02 - Bladder
4:33 - Kidney
5:00 - Heart Wrapping
5:36 - Triple Burner
6:25 - Gallbladder
6:54 - Liver
7:29 - Conclusion

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Music Credits :
Little People - Moon
Edvard Grieg - Peer Gynt Suite no 1 Morning
Track Tribe - Motorbike
Aaron Kenny - Gaiety in the Golden Age
Aaron Kenny - In the Temple Garden
Chris Zabriskie - The Dark Glow of the Mountains
Onycs - Together
Sappheiros - Falling
Ikson - Night

Edited by ‪@iwestez‬


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