DAY OF TWISTERS - Nebraska/Iowa Outbreak - Full Chase Video

Описание к видео DAY OF TWISTERS - Nebraska/Iowa Outbreak - Full Chase Video

Initially chasing from home in Lincoln NE. Captured three tornadoes including the infamous Lincoln-Waverly EF3, watching the supercell grow from birth. Pursued cyclic supercell northeast catching the Elkorn wedge tornado near peak width (~1.2 miles). Intercepted the supercell north of Omaha with a nasty green ground-scraping mesocyclone and possible embedded wedge tornado (still pending via NWS Omaha damage surveys). Eventually had to let the supercell go with poor road options/terrain, and things becoming increasingly rain wrapped. Dodged several more rain wrapped circulations on the way home and intercepted dime sized hail just north of the Omaha-Crescent tornadic supercell.


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