Round Table on Identifying, Naming and Treating Harm in New Religious Movements

Описание к видео Round Table on Identifying, Naming and Treating Harm in New Religious Movements

00:00-1:15:51 Part 1: Introduction of Panel and Opening Statements
01:46-14:48 Erin Prophet
14:49-34:36 Susan Palmer
34:37-48:34 Jeff Levin
48:35-1:01:08 Jessica Pratezina
1:01:09-1:16:02 Brett Merrill
1:16:03-1:42:43 Part 2: Panelist Questions
What are the current methods of identifying harm in NRMs, and how can they be improved?; When should practices in NRMs be labeled abuse?; How can we promote greater accountability and transparency?;
1:42:46-1:57:22 Part 2A: What are appropriate therapeutic approaches for current and former members?; How can the therapeutic community interact with NRM scholars to create better resources?
1:57:23-2:43:14 Part 3: Audience Q&A
(including J. Gordon Melton and Holly Folk)

Identifying, Naming and Treating Harm in New Religious Movements. How can we prevent harm and abuse in “cults” and new religious movements?

This round table discussion was sponsored by the New Religious Movements section of the American Academy of Religion on November 22, 2021. It centers on the question of It discusses many of the groups that have reached nationwide attention, such as NXIVM, Scientology, the Children of God, etc.

Experts include: Joseph Laycock, PhD, Texas State University (Presider); Jeff Levin, PhD, MPH, FACE, Baylor University; Brett Merrill, PhD, ABPP, CGP, Brigham Young University; Susan J. Palmer, PhD, Concordia University; Jessica Pratezina, MA, University of Victoria; Erin Prophet, MPH, PhD, University of Florida.

Study Resources:

Organizations: CESNUR, Center for Studies on New Religions:

INFORM, Information Network Focus on Religious Movements:

Journals and Websites

Alternative Considerations of Jonestown and Peoples Temple at San Diego State University:

American Religions Collection, University of California Santa Barbara:

Bitter Winter: A Magazine on Religious Liberty and Human Rights:

CDAMM, Critical Dictionary of Apocalyptic and Millennarian Movements:

Nova Religio: Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions:

World Religions and Spirituality Project:


Melton, J. Gordon. Melton’s Encyclopedia of American Religions, 9th ed. Gale. 2017.


Religious Studies Project:

Video production sponsored by The Reunion Institute of Houston, Texas. (c) 2022 The Reunion Institute

@ErinProphet @NovaReligio #cults #mentalhealth #sociology #religion #counseling #scientology #nxivm #psychology


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