Expert Insights: Social Media Strategy in 2024

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Social Media Strategy in 2024 is Not Social and followers don't matter.

You are new to social media marketing, or maybe you just want to know how to develop a social media strategy, how to grow on social media or just learn some social media tips?

Well, you're late. Social media are dead. Followers mean nothing.

At least, in the form we used to know. It's more media, and less social.
But what does that mean for us, social media managers?
Is social media marketing dead as well? Will AI take over our jobs?

Have you seen OpenAI's Sora? Or their ChatGPT-4o? What about Google I/O 2024 conference and their Gemini and SGE (search generative experience) and Veo endeavors?

The world is changing but so should you and your strategy!

We can leverage AI as a great tool, but we need to keep adapting and not get too high on the automation hypetrain.

Let's talk about that and how to build a social media strategy with this new deck of cards.

Also, subscribe to my Weekly Social Media News Newsletter!

00:00 Intro
00:22 subscribe!
00:32 social media of the past
01:03 social media are not social
02:24 followers mean nothing
02:48 AI as the next step in social media
03:28 ChatGPT-4o and post-factual age
05:08 what can social media managers do?
05:24 social media strategy

Let's work together:

My name's Mark (as in MARKeting) and my goal is to help brands do honest and meaningful marketing strategies in a world of dishonesty and short-term tactics.

I have 15+ years of experience in Marketing, I'm a seasoned B2B SaaS CMO and although I have no course to sell you, I create content to educate and bring value to fellow marketers, social media managers, solopreneurs, entrepreneurs, small business owners and everyone who would listen.


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